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WorkMobile™ Welcomes Chris

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

This week we introduced a new member to the Sales department in the form of Chris Saunders, our new Key Accounts Manager.

Chris will be working closely with the team to develop ideas and increase his knowledge of WorkMobile™ in the coming weeks but much of his time will be spent out in the field, meeting new people and creating new business opportunities within our partner community. With a strong background in the mobile industry, he is confident that he can help to further increase the success of WorkMobile™ into the future.

Chris believes WorkMobile™ is an exciting product with exciting times ahead. “WorkMobile™ will not only benefit businesses and customers directly, but will also be of extreme interest to any reseller in either the mobile phone, fixed line or IT markets.”

Chris goes on to say, “This is a solution that partners have been looking for, for a long time and this could be the perfect answer to increasing revenue and profit margins within any business. I look forward to 2011/2012 being a busy and prosperous time for WorkMobile™”.

With rugby, boxing and football as just a few of his sporting interests, Chris is definitely the energetic type and has a positive attitude in life and we are extremely pleased to welcome Chris to the eSAY Mobile team.


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