What next for Manchester United now that supremo Sir Alex Ferguson has retired? Will the show go on, or is the curtain about to fall on the most famous club in the world? Only time will tell.
It’s natural that the renown of a figure like Ferguson should rub off on the way the city sees itself. These days Ferguson certainly seems to be on the mind of Lawrence Jones, Manchester’s go-to man for dedicated hosting, as he gazes from the windows of UKFast’s office suite on the twenty-eighth floor of City Tower.
No one will blame Jones for seeking to bask in the reflected glory of the world’s greatest football manager, and to be fair, Jones has a fair amount to boast about himself. But is Sir Alex Ferguson, let alone Lawrence Jones, the best model for Manchester? For the UK even?
For Manchester to meet the challenges of the twenty first century it will require more than just showmanship.
It will require pioneering technology. It will require brilliance. It will require vision.
Here at eSAY we take our inspiration from the titans of the scene, the likes of Google and Skype, innovators who have transformed the worlds of work and leisure beyond recognition.
But we also count ourselves among the ranks of Manchester’s less-sung heroes – heroes like Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov of the University of Manchester. Modest men of the laboratory, Geim and Novoselov spurn publicity to get on with their work quietly – but in the process change the world.
The pair won a Nobel Prize in 2010 for their work on Graphene, an amazing material that will transform everyday life in the twenty-first century as surely as plastics did in the last. Co-winners of the European Union’s 2013 Future and Emerging Technologies award, to receive initial funding of 54 million Euros, Geim and Noselov are pointing the way for the city’s renewal.
Working in the same spirit, our advanced-guard WorkMobile technology is revolutionizing the day-to-day running of micro business through to corporates. Multifaceted, cost-efficient, easy-to-use, WorkMobile is taking employee and customer engagement to a whole new level.
Tasks that took countless hours of work to produce unreliable data are now completed swiftly and efficiently. Invoices, orders, timesheets, on-site inspections, proof of delivery, surveys – in fact any form can now be mobilised using basic IT skills on a plethora of mobile devices, smartphones and tablets. Just ask any one of the satisfied users of our services in over 80 countries. See our features here.
And we are confident that our know-how and vision will allow us to conquer new frontiers in the coming years.
The future belongs not to those who play the game the best, or even to the game-changers, but to those who tear up the rules and invent another game. eSAY is doing just that, and we want to take Manchester, and the UK, to the top with us.
