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About Us

Any business that has a field or remote based workforce will be familiar with the challenges of manual data capture. Reliance on paper processes is expensive, inefficient, time-consuming and, potentially, dangerous.

The solution? WorkMobile is an award-winning mobile data capture app that enables staff working out in the field to capture all essential data.

WorkMobile enables data capture in its most efficient and cost-effective form. Available to use on every type of mobile device, it provides a more accurate, compliant and efficient alternative to paper forms and data is captured in real-time.

Stored securely in the cloud, information can be easily accessed and shared. When necessary, businesses can develop a clear electronic audit trail to keep their customers fully informed.

Does it work? Well, since WorkMobile’s inception, we have processed over 20 million forms. We currently work with over 200 customers who are all benefiting from time and money savings, with the assurance that they are operating in the most compliant manner.

Our aim? To keep providing innovative solutions to our expanding customer base. We would love to help you improve your business processes and give you a competitive advantage.

We pride ourselves on the ability to deliver market-leading mobile technology, functionality and support.

Meet our Management Team

Andrew Huntly

Andrew Huntly


Andrew is a Senior Leader with over 25 years’ experience gained in a range of blue-chip companies. Primarily, he has a strong Sales background, covering both Consumer and B2B, and furthermore has led and implemented a number of successful transformational change projects. Most notably Virgin Atlantic and RAC. His latest challenge is to implement a sales led transformation at WorkMobile.


Colin Yates


Colin has a deep knowledge of applying technology to improve business processes spanning over fifteen years. His experience enables him to marry technical expertise with the needs of a client to provide far-reaching and robust solutions that deliver long-term improvements and significant cost savings.


Graham Stanley


Graham has over twenty years of experience in technology, most notably in developing and implementing solutions with leading consultancy organisations including iSOFT, KPMG and Vertex Data Sciences. His wealth of knowledge, in a high tech solutions provider, is the heartbeat of the business on a  day-to-day basis. He is also responsible, along with Colin, for the strategic direction of product development.

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